Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eve Online: Minmatar Battlecruiser Hurricane

I play Eve Online as much as I can. I'm not in an MMO for the usual things of ganging up with all sorts of "real" people to fight against other bands of human players. True, it would be nice to be able to do that once in a while. But my reason for being in the game is also related to why I play Eve and not WoW or other of such games.

The ships. The beautiful starships. I love starships.

One such example is the workhorse of my gaming efforts on Eve for a long time (I figure in my 6-7 months of Eve playing, more than half of that time has been on this ship), running missions, occasional mining (which is also for missions, ie Materials for War) and once provided supporting fire against an enemy player.

This is my Minmatar battlecruiser, Hurricane class, my "Mirabelle".

Prior to having this ship, I was flying a Stabber-class Cruiser, but when I got 'killed' by damned gate-campers, I used a destroyer all the way to work up the funds to get this ship. I was still new when I got this baby, so I had a mixed autocannon/artillery setup (that's having both short range and long range weapons) but later on I realized that I had to choose one.

In fashion of the 1912 HMS Dreadnought, I opted for a All-Big-Gun ship. Powergrid restrictions does not allow me to stock all 8 turret slots with guns, so I have 5 x 720mm Prototype Siege Guns on it along with 3 Heavy Missile Launchers.

I'm one to opt for sniper builds, I love long range, so I added a moderate defensive (tank) modules to it, but I focused a lot on damage and range for my weapons mostly. I'll not discuss my current loadout, since its only what I randomly fit for my mission uses, but suffice to say that I was intrigued by a Passive-Shield-Tank setup for it, (involving Shield extenders and passive shield recharging rather than resistance) though that means downsizing my guns to 650mm variants, (less power use, but probably I can fit more guns; 6 is better than 5 anyhow)

Anyways, closing off, here's a sample of my Battlecruiser in comparison to a Titan. (that's a Caldari Titan at Caldari Prime)

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